tiistai 26. tammikuuta 2016

Tampere weekend - Teerenpeli Tease and Yanis Marshall

I had an exciting weekend last week in Tampere. On Friday I was at the Yanis Marshall workshop in Tampere. For 3 hours! I've always been eager going to workshops and now it was truly a "learn from the best" experience. I totally sucked :D I did the Street Jazz class and Heels class. Out of both choreographs I learned maybe 1/5. But that's ok :D I still learned a lot. New floor-work and several general issues about dancing and walking in high heels. And let me tell you, seeing Yanis dance was awesome! My friend Gigi Praline was also there so it was good to have a little support from a friend :)

The next day, I performed for the first time ever at Teerenpeli Tease. The theme was "Glittertribe", so I was there with my High Priestess act :) it was fun to perform at Teerenpeli. Olivia is a lovely producer and there were some friend performing too and I met some new nice people. I love hanging out with glittery people! Monday seemed especially grey after such a colorful weekend!

Today I already got some photos form Teerenpeli! It's always exciting to see photos of yourself performing. Below are some photos by Eetu Keränen.

me and Gigi Praline with Yanis Marshall

photos by Eetu Keränen

photo by Eetu Keränen

maanantai 18. tammikuuta 2016

The Shangri-La Showgirls - Under the Mistle Tease photos

Here are some group photos of the The Shangri-La Showgirls at Under the Mistle Tease :)
photos are by Tuomas Lairila

First some cute cherry flowers and then some macho truckerdriver madness :D
These two choreographies by the Shangri-La Showgirls are my two favorits :) The Ravishing Shangri-La Rubies  (Cherry "Turrrbo-Cherry" Dee and Tinker Bell ) are such great teachers! So if you want to learn burlesque and live in the Helsinki area, then Studio Shangrila is the pefect place :)

in case you don't recognize me...I'm the one with the green cap ;)